Mirrored Heavens (Between Earth and Sky, #3)
About the book
Author: Rebecca Roanhorse
Publisher: Saga Press
More info:
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Note: Content and trigger warnings are provided for those who need them at the bottom of this page. If you don’t need them and don’t want to risk spoilers, don’t scroll past the review.
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My Review
Mirrored Heavens is an epic conclusion to an epic trilogy, and one that I’m very glad I read.
I won’t spoil either of the first two books here, so no summary of events. But what I will say is that Roanhorse has pulled off one of the hardest things to do: set up a major conflict where the reader is rooting for both sides and then resolve that conflict in a way that feels right. I love a book where all (or at least most) characters are in the right and in the wrong at the same time. In that way, this series does a great job at examining agency and absolution.
That said, while the main conflict resolved well, I do agree with reviewers who’ve said that there were other plot items that were left pretty unresolved or unsatisfying, and I think a little bit of Fevered Star’s second book syndrome bled into the pacing at the start of this one. But once I hit the halfway mark, I devoured the rest. Not enough complaints here to ruin the trilogy for me overall, but I don’t think she fully stuck the landing. Still, I did like it overall and would absolutely recommend the series.
Content and Trigger Warnings
Death of a parent
Sexual content (minor)