Alien Stories is a resonant, haunting little collection. Every story made an impression on me, and I was so impressed with Osondu’s imaginative, precise craft.
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All in Fiction
Alien Stories is a resonant, haunting little collection. Every story made an impression on me, and I was so impressed with Osondu’s imaginative, precise craft.
The Ghost Variations is a fun and smart set of 100 flash fiction ghost stories. I read a few each day in October and loved it. Brockmeier has created something really creative here.
I was lukewarm on Gideon the Ninth, and unfortunately I wasn’t a huge fan of Harrow either. The ending was good — but you spend the whole book not just curious, but deeply lost and confused. I didn’t find it much fun.
Hell of a Book is a really creative, really affecting novel that’s as funny as it is devastating. One heck of a ride, it will surprise you and move you.
Network Effect was my favorite Murderbot story so far. I think the full-novel length gives it space to appeal to those who don’t always gravitate toward hard sci-fi.
A Spindle Splintered is a really fun, really creative quick read. It’s not quite a retelling, but people who love retellings will love this. I’m excited to read more of these Fractured Fables!
Intimacies is a sharp, taut novel that was very different from what I expected based on the synopsis. It’s much more about tension, power, and character than events or plot.
The Book of Magic is a really great conclusion to the Practical Magic series. I think fans of the Owens family are going to love it.
Bewilderment is a gorgeously written, heartbreaking, highly consumable novel. I didn’t think it was perfect, but I definitely did enjoy it.
The Souvenir Museum is a collection of solid stories. Unfortunately, not many of them grabbed me, but I did like the fact that many of the stories were linked.
Matrix is a feast of language with a premise you can’t help but love. It’s really different from Groff’s other work, and it’s not my favorite, but I liked and appreciated it a lot.
Zorrie is a quiet but emotional novel. It’s short, and yet contains a woman’s whole life — with deep characterization. I read it in one day and enjoyed it very much.
Abundance is a book that accomplishes exactly what it sets out to — humbling and frustrating, it’s an empathetic look inside the trap of poverty in America today. I think you should read it.
Oh my gosh, I loved The Acutal Star so much. It’s so creative and smart and well-written. Every chapter was a puzzle. This is one to savor and enjoy!
I’m late to the game with both Elizabeth Strout and Olive Kitteridge, but I’m so glad I finally arrived! What beautifully rendered characters. I loved it.
The Silvered Serpents is a fun book two in the Gilded Wolves trilogy. It’s a formulaic YA fantasy plot, but in a way that’s entertaining and could make a great comfort read.
The Love Songs of W.E.B. Du Bois is a true feat. This one feels like a new great American novel, sweeping and forceful. I loved all 800 pages, and I expect it to win many awards.