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In the Dark, Soft Earth

In the Dark, Soft Earth

Author: Frank Watson
Plum White Press
Goodreads | The StoryGraph

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Cover Description

Dig into this delectable journey through the dark, sensual, and ravishing poetry of Frank Watson. Ruminate the searing to the sultry as you absorb this haunting lilt of burning carnality. The poems ignite rapid and surprising shifts in focus and perspective as they twist and turn your preconceptions, allowing the implications to linger in your thoughts.

Vignette verses explore the workings of love, nature, spirituality, and dreams with sprinklings of tarot symbolism and jazzy blues. Together these verses contemplate the subtle underpinnings of a soft earth.

TL;DR Review

In the Dark, Soft Earth is a poetry collection filled with short but sharp and atmospheric poems rooted in nature.

For you if: You want to read some poems that are easy to relax into.

Full Review

I will preface this review by saying that I am not the most skilled reader of poems. I’m reading more of them and trying to get better at it! Also, big thanks to Plum White Press for sending me an ebook copy for review.

In the Dark, Soft Earth is a collection of mostly super-short poems interspersed with visual art that really adds to the reading experience. They’re very atmospheric, very moody, some almost gothic feeling. They contain a lot of imagery about nature and sensuality, often together. It’s broken into ten parts, each of which comes with its own theme and body and mood.

I found the poems easy to sink into and easy to read quickly. I’m not sure if I found them to carry a ton of substance, but again, I’m a beginner poetry reader. But what they did do is skim the surface of my emotions, transport me into a world of shadow and light and green things and sensuality and feeling. And sometimes, I think, that’s just what we need.

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